Maths Homework Schedule

Week 8 & 9 - Maths Homework

Week 7 - Maths Homework
Halves Activities

Find half of a collection of items in your house.
How many is half of all your chairs? Half of the fruit? Half of all the textas you own? Half of your soft toys? Half of your cars?
Make a halves poster with drawings of half of these groups of objects.

Week 6 - Maths Homework
Multiplication Activities

Skip Counting
Practice skip counting by 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
Challenge - count by 4s and 6s.

Fun ways to practice:
-Hold up the number of fingers that you are skip counting by.
-Whisper the numbers until you get to the last finger and say that one out loud.
-Afterwards see if you can skip count just the multiples without whisper counting.

-Skip count aloud while walking up the stairs.
-E.g.count by 2s each time you take a step, count by 5s, 10s and 3s next time.

Week 5 - Maths Homework

Addition and Subtraction Activities
Continue to practice the addition and subtraction games from last week.
Practice memorising your doubles to 12.

Week 4 - Maths Homework
Addition and Subtraction Activities
Maths Facts Basketball

Addition and Subtraction Level 1 and 2

Addition with Manipulatives

Doubles Activity
Click on doubles from 5 to 15

Week 3 - Maths Homework

Area Investigation

Use pieces of paper that are the same size to measure the area of a few different (2D) items in your home: Here are some examples... kitchen table, rug, pathway, bed.
Remember that there needs to be no gaps or overlaps.
What did you discover? Make a poster on an A4 sheet of paper explaining your discovery.

Extension Activity: Use circular pieces of paper that are the same size to measure the area of some items in your home. What did you discover when the shapes were circular?

Week 2 - Maths Homework

Whole Number Activities
Comparing Number Values Junior

Base 10 Fun
Click READ AND MAKE up to 3 digit numbers

Numerical Order
Click LEVEL 2

Odd or Even Numbers

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